
国际顶刊 |《美国政治科学杂志》2021年第1期

政治学人 政治学人 2022-07-01










American Journal of Political Science(美国政治科学杂志)是美国中西部政治学协会(MPSA)旗下学术期刊,目前由威立出版社代为出版。创刊于1973年,出版周期为每年4期,收录与政治科学相关的所有子领域。IF:4.515,在176种政治科学期刊中排名第2.




  1. Does Affirmative Action Worsen Bureaucratic Performance? Evidence from the Indian Administrative Service


  2. Policy Diffusion: The Issue‐Definition Stage


  3. Pleasing the Principal: U.S. Influence in World Bank Policymaking


  4. The Real Winner's Curse


  5. Supply Chain Linkages and the Extended Carbon Coalition


  6. Helping Friends or Influencing Foes: Electoral and Policy Effects of Campaign Finance Contributions


  7. Elite Interactions and Voters’ Perceptions of Parties’ Policy Positions


  8. Trade and Political Fragmentation on the Silk Roads: The Economic Effects of Historical Exchange between China and the Muslim East


  9. Partisan Gaps in Political Information and Information‐Seeking Behavior: Motivated Reasoning or Cheerleading?


  10. Misgovernance and Human Rights: The Case of Illegal Detention without Intent


  11. Risk and Trouble: Adam Smith on Profit and the Protagonists of Capitalism


  12. What Motivates Reasoning? A Theory of Goal‐Dependent Political Evaluation


  13. Political Scandal: A Theory


  14. Fault Lines: The Effects of Bureaucratic Power on Electoral Accountability


  15. Labor Unions and White Racial Politics


  16. State Visits and Leader Survival




01 平权法案是否会使官僚机构表现恶化?来自印度行政部门的证据 


Does Affirmative Action Worsen Bureaucratic Performance? Evidence from the Indian Administrative Service


Rikhil R. Bhavnani University of Wisconsin‐Madison

Alexander Lee University of Rochester


虽然许多国家基于平权法案(affirmative action)招募官僚,但很少有关于平权法案招募对官僚绩效的影响。一些人担心平权法案会降低新成员的素质,从而使官僚机构的表现恶化;而另一些人则认为,平权法案会提高新成员的表现,从而使其更能代表民众并更具回应性。我们借助印度精英官僚机构中详尽的招聘、背景和职业数据来验证这些可能性。我们考察了平权法案雇佣对地区层面实施MGNREGA世界上最大的反贫困项目的影响。数据表明,通过平权法案招募的来自弱势群体的成员表现并不比其他成员差。

Although many countries recruit bureaucrats using affirmative action, the effect of affirmative action recruits on bureaucratic performance has rarely been examined. Some worry that affirmative action worsens bureaucratic performance by diminishing the quality of recruits, whereas others posit that it improves performance by making recruits more representative of and responsive to the population. We test for these possibilities using unusually detailed data on the recruitment, background, and careers of India's elite bureaucracy. We examine the effect of affirmative action hires on district‐level implementation of MGNREGA, the world's largest anti‐poverty program. The data suggest that disadvantaged group members recruited via affirmative action perform no worse than others.

02  政策扩散:问题定义阶段  


Policy Diffusion: The Issue‐Definition Stage


Fabrizio Gilardi  University of Zurich

Charles R. Shipan  University of Michigan

Bruno Wüest Forschungsstelle sotomo



We put forward a new approach to studying issue definition within the context of policy diffusion. Most studies of policy diffusion—which is the process by which policymaking in one government affects policymaking in other governments—have focused on policy adoptions. We shift the focus to an important but neglected aspect of this process: the issue‐definition stage. We use topic models to estimate how policies are framed during this stage and how these frames are predicted by prior policy adoptions. Focusing on smoking restriction in U.S. states, our analysis draws upon an original data set of over 52,000 paragraphs from newspapers covering 49 states between 1996 and 2013. We find that frames regarding the policy's concrete implications are predicted by prior adoptions in other states, whereas frames regarding its normative justifications are not. Our approach and findings open the way for a new perspective to studying policy diffusion in many different areas.

03 取悦巨头:美国在世界银行政策制定中的影响力


Pleasing the Principal: U.S. Influence in World Bank Policymaking


Richard Clark Columbia University

Lindsay R. Dolan Wesleyan University



How do policies in international organizations reflect the preferences of powerful institutional stakeholders? Using an underutilized data set on the conditions associated with World Bank loans, we find that borrower countries that vote with the United States at the United Nations are required to enact fewer domestic policy reforms, and on fewer and softer issue areas. Though U.S. preferences permeate World Bank decision making, we do not find evidence that borrower countries trade favors in exchange for active U.S. intervention on their behalf. Instead, we propose that U.S. influence operates indirectly when World Bank staff—consciously or unconsciously—design programs that are compatible with U.S. preferences. Our study provides novel evidence of World Bank conditionality and shows that politicized policies can result even from autonomous bureaucracies.

04  真正胜利者的诅咒


The Real Winner's Curse


Leopoldo Fergusson Universidad de los Andes

Pablo Querubin New York University

Nelson A. Ruiz University of Oxford

Juan F. Vargas Universidad del Rosario


 传统的民主理论认为,被排斥群体的政治代表权可以减少其参与冲突的动机并减少暴力。然而,当(1)精英利益受到新政治行为体的政策立场威胁时,以及(2)精英在行使暴力方面具有相对优势时,这一论点就忽视了他们的反应。借助不连续回归分析(regression discontinuity approach),我们证明此前被排除在外的左翼政党在哥伦比亚地方行政当局的选举险胜导致右翼准军事组织的暴力行动增加了一个标准差。我们将这种暴力激增解释为传统精英的反应,以抵消外来者获得正式政治权力机会的增加。与这种解释相一致,我们发现左翼游击队和其他行为者的暴力行为不受影响,而且右翼或其他新政党在势均力敌选举中的胜利也不会对政治暴力产生影响。

Traditional theories of democracy suggest that political representation of excluded groups can reduce their incentives to engage in conflict and lead to lower violence. However, this argument ignores the response of established elites when (1) their interests are threatened by the policy stance of new political actors and (2) elites have a comparative advantage in the exercise of violence. Using a regression discontinuity approach, we show that the narrow election of previously excluded left‐wing parties to local executive office in Colombia results in a one standard deviation increase in violent events by right‐wing paramilitaries. We interpret this surge in violence as a reaction of traditional elites to offset the increase in outsiders' access to formal political power. Consistent with this interpretation, we find that violence by left‐wing guerrillas and other actors is unaffected and that violence is not influenced by the victory of right‐wing or other new parties in close elections.

05  供应链联系与扩大的碳联盟


Supply Chain Linkages and the Extended Carbon Coalition


Jared Cory University of Michigan

Michael Lerner University of Michigan

Iain Osgood University of Michigan



Which firms oppose action to fight climate change? Networks of input sourcing and sales to downstream customers ought to propagate and reinforce opposition to decarbonization beyond direct emitters of CO2. To test this claim, we build the largest data set of public political activity for and against climate action in the United States, revealing that the majority of corporate opposition to climate action comes from outside the highest‐emitting industries. We construct new measures of the carbon intensity of firms and show that policy exposure via carbon‐intensive inputs and sales to downstream emitters explains this large volume of opposition from non‐emitting industries. Sixty‐six percent of U.S. lobbying on climate policy has been conducted by an extended coalition of firms, associations, and other groups that have publicly opposed reducing carbon emissions. Public opposition to climate action by carbon‐connected industries is therefore broad‐based, highly organized, and matched with extensive lobbying.

06  帮助朋友或影响敌人——竞选资金捐款的选举与政策影响  


Helping Friends or Influencing Foes: Electoral and Policy Effects of Campaign Finance Contributions


Keith E. Schnakenberg Washington University in St. Louis

Ian R. Turner Yale University



Campaign finance contributions may influence policy by affecting elections or influencing the choices of politicians once in office. To study the trade‐offs between these two paths to influence, we use a game in which contributions may affect electoral outcomes and signal policy‐relevant information to politicians. In the model, a campaign donor and two politicians each possess private information correlated with a policy‐relevant state of the world. The donor may allocate his or her budget to either an ally candidate who has relatively similar preferences or a moderate candidate whose preferences are relatively divergent from the donor's preferred policy. Contributions that increase the likelihood of the moderate being elected can signal good news about the donor's preferred policy and influence the moderate's policy choice. However, when the electoral effect of contributions is too small to demand sufficiently high costs to deter imitation by groups with negative information, this informational effect breaks down.

07  精英互动和选民对政党政策立场的看法


Elite Interactions and Voters’ Perceptions of Parties’ Policy Positions


James Adams UC Davis

Simon Weschle Syracuse University

Christopher Wlezien University of Texas at Austin



Recent research documents that voters infer that governing coalition partners share similar ideologies, independently of these parties’ actual policy statements. We argue that citizens estimate party positions from more general forms of interparty cooperation and conflict, particularly near the times of national elections. We analyze tens of thousands of media reports on elite interactions from 13 Western democracies between 2001 and 2014, and show that—controlling for coalition arrangements and for the policy tones of parties’ election manifestos—voters infer greater left–right agreement between pairs of parties that have more cooperative public relationships, but that this “cooperation effect” is only evident near the times of national elections. Our findings have implications for parties’ policy images and for mass–elite linkages.

08  丝绸之路的贸易与政治分裂:中国与东方伊斯兰世界之间历史交流的经济影响


Trade and Political Fragmentation on the Silk Roads: The Economic Effects of Historical Exchange between China and the Muslim East


Lisa Blaydes Stanford University

Christopher Paik New York University Abu Dhabi



The Silk Roads stretched across Eurasia, connecting East and West for centuries. At its height, the network of trade routes enabled merchants to travel from China to the Mediterranean Sea, carrying with them high‐value commercial goods, the exchange of which encouraged urban growth and prosperity. We examine the extent to which urban centers thrived or withered as a function of shocks to trade routes, particularly political fragmentation along natural travel paths. We find that political fragmentation along the roads to Aleppo and historic Chang'an — major terminus locations for cross‐regional trade—damaged city growth. These conclusions contribute to our understanding of how a premodern international system operated through an examination of exchange between the two most developed world regions of the medieval and early modern periods, China and the Muslim East.

09  政治信息与信息寻求行为中的政党分歧:动机性推理还是“啦啦队”?


Partisan Gaps in Political Information and Information‐Seeking Behavior: Motivated Reasoning or Cheerleading?


Erik Peterson Texas A&M University

Shanto Iyengar Stanford University



Do partisan disagreements over politically relevant facts, and preferences for the information sources from which to obtain them, represent genuine differences of opinion or insincere cheerleading? The answer to this question is crucial for understanding the scope of partisan polarization. We test between these alternatives with experiments that offer incentives for correct survey responses and allow respondents to search for information before answering each question. We find that partisan cheerleading inflates divides in factual information, but only modestly. Incentives have no impact on partisan divides in information search; these divides are no different from those that occur outside the survey context when we examine web‐browsing data from the same respondents. Overall, our findings support the motivated reasoning interpretation of misinformation; partisans seek out information with congenial slant and sincerely adopt inaccurate beliefs that cast their party in a favorable light.

10  恶治与人权——无(压制性)意图非法拘禁的案例  


Misgovernance and Human Rights: The Case of Illegal Detention without Intent


Tara Slough New York University

Christopher Fariss University of Michigan



Existing explanations of human rights abuses emphasize a strategic logic of repression. Yet certain classes of abuses may arise absent the intent to repress because of the misaligned bureaucratic incentives of state agents. To separate accounts of strategic repression from bureaucratic incentives, we study the responses of state agents working within the Haitian criminal justice system to a randomized, free legal assistance intervention for detainees held in illegal pretrial detention. Legal assistance addresses moral hazard problems of the bureaucrats responsible for processing cases. We demonstrate that legal assistance accelerates case advancement and liberation, in line with the view that large‐scale human rights abuses in the justice system can result from poor governance and not repressive intent.

11 风险与麻烦——亚当·斯密论利润与资本主义的主角


Risk and Trouble: Adam Smith on Profit and the Protagonists of Capitalism


Roni Hirsch GIGA Harvard University



To better account for deepening global inequalities, political theory could greatly enhance empirical and normative work by answering a fundamental question: What is profit? When engaging political‐economic questions, however, theorists often begin thinking from the concept of private property. This, I argue, has obscured the central role of profit as an organizing category for capitalist societies since the eighteenth century. Grounded in the dynamic and uncertain processes of production and accumulation, profit displaces the proprietary citizen and subject of natural rights and gives rise to new social protagonists, who lay claim to increasingly asymmetric rewards. In particular, the article calls attention to a dangerous contemporary sensibility, which sees profit as inherently unlimited. As a viable, robust alternative, it presents Adam Smith's idea of profit as a regular, uniform rate that acts as a productive constraint on business activity, shapes character, and safeguards against risk by widely distributing its costs.

12  何者驱动论证?基于目标的政治评价理论


What Motivates Reasoning? A Theory of Goal‐Dependent Political Evaluation


Eric Groenendyk University of Memphis

Yanna Krupnikov Stony Brook University



Rather than exhibiting bias or open‐minded reasoning at baseline, we argue that information processing is motivated by whatever goals a context makes salient. Thus, if politics feels like debate, people will be motivated to argue for their side. If politics feels like deliberation, they will be motivated to seek consensus through open‐minded processing. Results from three experiments demonstrate: (1) Politics evokes thoughts similar to conflictual contexts and dissimilar from deliberative contexts. (2) Consequently, information labeled “political” primes the motivation to counterargue, leading to opinion polarization. Absent such labeling, no such motivation is evident, explaining why bias is common but not inherent to politics. (3) Despite this capacity for bias, people can be motivated to actively process and accept counterattitudinal information by simply making the value of open‐mindedness salient. This suggests open‐minded discourse is possible even absent motivation to evaluate information accurately. We conclude by discussing the implications of our research for political discourse.

13  政治丑闻的一种理论 


Political Scandal: A Theory


Wioletta Dziuda University of Chicago

William G. Howell University of Chicago


我们研究了一个模型,该模型描述了过去的不当行为成为当前丑闻的主题条件,这对于牵连的政客和与其共事的政党都将产生影响。在该模型中,真实和虚假的丑闻均产生于同一个涉及两个政党的政治框架内。在该框架内,两党要权衡继续与有污点嫌疑的政治家合作所带来的利益和可能的声誉损失。我们发现两党之间日益加剧的两极化增加了丑闻发生的可能性,同时也降低了其信息价值。我们还发现,仅由反对党引发的丑闻对双方的声誉都有损害——在某些情况下,还会让政治家的声誉有所提升。该模型还显示,丑闻很多的辖区并不一定会受到更多不当行为的困扰。实际上,在条件明确的情况下,丑闻可能是政治虔诚(political piety)的一种表现。

We study a model that characterizes the conditions under which past misbehavior becomes the subject of present scandal, with consequences for both the implicated politician and the parties that work with him. In the model, both authentic and fake scandals arise endogenously within a political framework involving two parties that trade off benefits of continued collaboration with a suspect politician against the possibility of reputational fallout. Rising polarization between the two parties, we show, increases the likelihood of scandal while decreasing its informational value. Scandals that are triggered by only the opposing party, we also find, are reputationally damaging to both parties and, in some instances, reputationally enhancing to the politician. The model also reveals that jurisdictions with lots of scandals are not necessarily beset by more misbehavior. Under well‐defined conditions, in fact, scandals can be a sign of political piety.

14  断层:官僚权力对选举问责制的影响


Fault Lines: The Effects of Bureaucratic Power on Electoral Accountability


Lucy Martin University of North Carolina‐Chapel Hill

Pia J. Raffler Harvard University



This article introduces a new explanation for why citizens may fail to vote based on government performance. We argue that when politicians have limited capacity to control bureaucrats, citizens will not know whether government performance is a good signal of the incumbent's quality. We develop a selection model of elections in which policy is jointly determined by a politician and a bureaucrat. When politicians have incomplete power over policy, elections perform worse at separating good and bad types of incumbents. We test the theory's predictions using survey experiments conducted with nearly 9,000 citizens and local officials in Uganda. We find that citizens and officials allocate more responsibility to politicians when they are perceived as having more power relative to bureaucrats. The allocation of responsibility has electoral consequences: When respondents believe that bureaucrats are responsible for performance, they are less likely to expect that government performance will affect incumbent vote share.

15  工会与白人种族政治


Labor Unions and White Racial Politics


Paul Frymer Princeton University

Jacob M. Grumbach University of Washington



Scholars and political observers point to declining labor unions, on the one hand, and rising white identity politics, on the other, as profound changes in American politics. However, there has been little attention given to the potential feedback between these forces. In this article, we investigate the role of union membership in shaping white racial attitudes. We draw upon research in history and American political development to generate a theory of interracial labor politics, in which union membership reduces racial resentment. Cross‐sectional analyses consistently show that white union members have lower racial resentment and greater support for policies that benefit African Americans. More importantly, our panel analysis suggests that gaining union membership between 2010 and 2016 reduced racial resentment among white workers. The findings highlight the important role of labor unions in mass politics and, more broadly, the importance of organizational membership for political attitudes and behavior.

16  国事访问与领导人生存  


State Visits and Leader Survival


Matt Malis New York University

Alastair Smith New York University


政治领导人为什么要出国访问?在本文中,我们提出了一种将个人化外交(in‐person diplomacy)与领导人生存联系起来的信息机制。外国当局对在任者进行外交访问的目的是获取未来的政策让步,而只有当在任者的掌权时间足以完成交易时才值得为访问付出努力。因此,外交访问提供了一个明显和可信的信号,表明访问者对现任总统的稳定非常有信心。面对有关现任总统实力的不完整信息,国内的反对者因为观察到了这一信号而不敢发起挑战。基于1960年至2013年间美国外交访问的数据,我们发现该预测受到了很强的经验支持:与美国总统进行外交访问大大降低了领导人被免职的风险。

Why do political leaders travel abroad? In this article, we propose an informational mechanism linking in‐person diplomacy to leader survival. A foreign power visits an incumbent in order to reap a future policy concession; the visit is only worth the effort if the incumbent remains in power long enough to deliver on the deal. A diplomatic visit thus provides a visible and credible signal of the visitor's high confidence in the incumbent's stability in office. Domestic opponents, facing incomplete information as to the incumbent's strength, observe the signal and are deterred from mounting a challenge. Using data on U.S. diplomatic visits from 1960 to 2013, we find strong empirical support for our predictions: A visit with the U.S. president substantially reduces the risk of a leader's removal from office.

翻  译:俞驰韬

校  对:周煜洋


国际顶刊 | 《美国政治科学杂志》2020年第4期




二审:袁    丁


